Mr John Samuel is the General Manager/ Head of Station Hyai 89.5Fm, he is a seasoned Accountant and Administrator.
Peter Ode Brodrick popularly known as Comdr General Babalasisi is the head of programs Hyai-Fm 89.5 Kaduna state Nigeria.
Programme: Hyai Rise
Programme: Hyai Sport
Spreading smiles and positivity where ever I go …Kitchen freak - Lover of music and art
Programme: Kulin Kulinfita, Taburin Siyasa And Ina Masoyina
Programme: Hyai Breakfast
A passionate journalist who enjoys unraveling facts and shaping people's minds toward national Issues.
PROGRAMME:Home Stretch and 89 degrees
I'm a passionate football enthusiast, movie buff, and gospel music lover who also enjoys delving into politics and conducting thorough research.
PROGRAMME: Hyaiflix and Hyai Praise
Gaiya Charles Maude also known as DjRalphG is not just a DJ but an ambassador of vibes, bringing unparalleled energy and enthusiasm to the airwaves.
First Name
01. Illenium Grover Crime, J PierceR
02. Prefekt R. Galvanize, Morris Play
03. Culture Code Andy Mart, Terry Smith
04. Arensky Primal Beat, Kelsey Love
05. Meghans Theme Grover Crime, Grover Crime
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